Metabolism Back in Order: Lifestyle Medicine Coaching Program for Inflammation, Diabetes and Heart Health

You might have heard not-so-great news from the doctor. But here are the good news.

Health is much more than blood markers.


It can be scary and confusing to hear that some of your numbers are out of balance. These are some of the questions that might have gone through your mind:

  • Will I have to take medication for the rest of my life?

  • How is this going to affect my day-to-day?

  • Am I getting old?

  • What have I been doing wrong?

  • Am I never going to be able to drink alcohol again?

  • Am I never going to be able to eat all the foods that I love?

  • How dangerous is this? Is this affecting my longevity?

  • Am I turning into a burden to my loved ones?

Or what else is going through your mind right now? Go ahead and ask me, I am here to help you figure it all out.

There is much more that can be done than just medication.

Lifestyle Medicine can treat and often reverse those conditions.


This is not a different type of practice than conventional medicine. It is actually the foundation of conventional medicine. Clinical practice guidelines for the top lifestyle-related chronic diseases support lifestyle medicine as the first line of treatment, before medications.

What condition do you have?


Here are some of the conditions that are usually related to metabolic disorders and can be treated or even reversed using the lifestyle medicine principles:

  • Prediabetes or Type-2 Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Elevated Cholesterol

  • Hyperglycemia

  • High Triglyceride Levels

  • Dyslipidemia

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Prevention of Chronic Conditions

There are six main pillars.

The lifestyle medicine approach seeks to support individuals to make positive behavior changes in those six different lifestyle aspects.

Why choose me?


While there is a role for medication, chronic metabolic conditions originate from lifestyle and therefore require a change. Those changes in mindset and behavior require a long-term individualized approach. Our therapies and coaching programs do exactly that. As a result, you will improve not only your blood markers but your overall well-being.

I am a board-certified health and wellness coach and Lifestyle Medicine professional, with a Master’s degree in Psychological Medicine and Mental Health. I’m also a registered yoga teacher, a mindfulness practitioner, and a nutrition specialist. I have received training in lifestyle medicine by renowned universities and some of the best specialists in the world. And I’ve applied that knowledge to help many others like you. I’m a former scientist, and I take science very seriously. I only work with evidence-based approaches and am constantly updated on the latest findings.

I have implemented those pillars in my life with a profound impact and would love to help you do the same.

Sounds good to me

Ready to work with me?


Having qualified and compassionate support makes all the difference when implementing lifestyle changes.

It's time to stop searching for quick solutions and prioritize your long-term health.

Book a Session Now!